
Sun Signs:

Leo personality

Leos are warm-hearted people who love the limelight. They have great inner strength and love entertaining others. They love to be wooed by expensive gifts and pampered.

However at times they turn too dramatic and create temper tantrums. In relationships, they yearn for total devotion and loyalty.

Some Leos have a regal air around them that they become haughty and self-centred. If they learn to share then there would be goodness in relationships of all sorts.

Leo Babies

The Leo babies are usually loud and like to grab a lot of attention. They like to express themselves frequently to others around.

They seem to dominate the scene at an young age itself. They are brave and get into trouble often.

Leo Boss

A Leo boss likes to dominate the scene and wants his or her employees to be obedient and hard working.

They lose their temper often. However they can be won over by good compliments.

Leo Family

For Leos, family is their pride and joy. They are very defensive of their family and stick to it, come what may in life.

They are very generous towards their family and share their resources impartially.

Leo Father

A Leo father takes pride in his children and gives them the best in life. He wants them to occupy the best positions in society, probably the limelight.

Sometimes he turns stubborn and authoritative. Demands loyalty from them and would be a bit strict with their works and routine.

Leo Fathers-in-law

Leo fathers-in-law are one of the most valuable relationship one can have in life. They are worthy hands that come handy when you are in trouble. They have a noble demeanor and are rare to find.

They are a bit showy and they make sure that you do not overtake them in hogging the limelight. They can however be brought down by a steady dose of compliments. Stay away from using offensive language from them and also try to lose a game with them if you need to win them over!!

Leo Mother

The Leo mom is playful with her kids and she likes to be very involved in their life. She will be a girl scouts leader or a chaperone for field trips.

She likes to get her children involved in extracurricular activities and she does push her children to compete. The Leo mom can be bossy and when the Leo mom is upset everyone is upset.

Leo Mother-in-law

A Leo mother-in-law likes to be the boss of the house, and it is good if you hand down the reigns to her, else trouble lurks around. Their temperaments wax and wane with time. They are sensitive but are highly abiding to justice.

They are strict with the grandchildren and groom them in good spirits. If they are respected and kept in a high pedestal then you have won her over by your wits.

Leo Mom and Dad

Leo Moms have great confidence in their children and are quite defensive about them even when they go wrong. They like to actively take part in the activities of their children right from their early age. They cheer them on their accomplishments.

A Leo Dad demands much from his kids, way beyond their means. But then he is quick to appreciate them on their achievements and like to show their talents to the world. He showers praises and gifts on his children when they do win in life.

Leo Parents

Leo parents are usually very warm and affectionate to their children. They set good examples for their wards to follow. However at times their demands on their kids would be just too much.

Leo Grandparents

Leo grandparents are usually found to be too generous to their grandchildren. They expect love and goodwill from them in return as well. They take great pride in displaying the talents of their grandchildren in public.

They urge them to excel in academic and creative endeavors. Some of them are at times found to boss around their grandchildren which irks them. Leo grandparents are found to be great in complaining, fussing and gossiping around.

Leo Sibiling

Leo siblings look for ways to show off their skills and resources. They boss around with their other siblings. They are highly competitive with their siblings and try to get the good confidence of their parents. They are not much helpful to their siblings though. However with time they are good in giving advice and motivating their siblings to do better in life. They like to show off in social gatherings of friends and family.

Leo Roommates

Leo guys are very generous roommates and they make good friends for life. They are quite responsible and love to do chores for the other members of the household. But they are quite dominating in nature and hate when things do not go the way they intend to.

Leo Teacher

Leo people are good teachers and they are highly obsessed with their wards getting good grades. They want their students to be highly attentive and go crazy when they are not.

They can be quite playful and easy-going with their wards and at the same time know when to take the rod. They are good in practical demonstrations of subjects and have their favorite students too.

Leo Dog

- this dog might be really good with children. They are playful and friendly. This dog has a lot of personality and can be a bit stubborn at times. They demand their masters attention 24/7 and can be dominant with other dogs.

Leo Cat

- this cat might frequently get into brawls with other cats on the block. They act like they�re royalty, won�t back down from trying to get your attention, and might not want any other pets in the household.

Leo Teen

Leo teens have a confident exterior which they use to hide their inner feelings. However they are found to be totally insecure in life. There would be a constant upheaval over how to showcase their creativity and how to get into limelight. They have a burning passion to lead others.

Leo teens slowly learn to get over their insecure feelings. With growth they gradually develop their confidence level and leadership skills. They also discover a lot about their own self in the course of their teens.

Leo Aunts and Uncles

When your aunt or uncle is a Leo person, then they would be highly responsible towards you. They like to spend time with you. They are highly generous with you and splurge you with money and other gifts occasionally.